LEXMARK CLOUD AUTHENTICATION Readme for version 5.7.21 1. OVERVIEW This Readme file pertains to the current release of the LEXMARK CLOUD AUTHENTICATION application. Lexmark Cloud Authentication is an embedded solution that can be installed on printers that support the Lexmark Embedded Solutions Framework (eSF). Cloud Authentication locks out the printer until a user authenticates with a badge or login credentials. It secures access to the printer using a user-defined security server. 2. ASSOCIATED FILES The following files and publications are included in the release. a. Application file * cloudAuth_e5-5.7.21.fls * Lexmark Cloud Authentication application b. Other files * cloudAuth_e5_desc-5.7.21.xml * The descriptor file for the solution c. Publications * Cloud Authentication Administrator's Guide.pdf * The Administrator's Guide * Readme * (This file) 3. REQUIREMENTS a. A printer that supports eSF v6.x or later applications. Supported eSF printers include: * CS62x * Required firmware level: CSTZJ.050.044 or later * CS63x * Required firmware level: CSTGV.221.058 or later * CS725 * Required firmware level: CSTAT.040.087 or later * CS73x * Required firmware level: CSTMM.080.020 or later * CS820 * Required firmware level: CSTPP.040.087 or later * CS92x * Required firmware level: CSTMH.040.072 or later * CS94x * Required firmware level: CSTPC.081.006 or later * CS963 * Required firmware level: CSTLS.230.108 or later * CX52x * Required firmware level: CXTZJ.050.044 or later * CX53x, CX63x * Required firmware level: CXTGV.221.058 or later * CX62x * Required firmware level: CXTZJ.050.044 or later * CX725 * Required firmware level: CXTAT.040.087 or later * CX73x * Required firmware level: CXTMM.080.020 or later * CX820 * Required firmware level: CXTPP.040.087 or later * CX825, CX860 * Required firmware level: CXTPP.040.087 or later * CX92x * Required firmware level: CXTMH.040.072 or later * CX93x * Required firmware level: CXTPC.081.006 or later * CX94x * Required firmware level: CXTPC.081.006 or later * CX96x * Required firmware level: CXTLS.230.108 or later * MS53x, MS63x * Required firmware level: MSTSN.221.025 or later * MS82x * Required firmware level: MSTGW.051.050 or later * MX421ade, MX52x * Required firmware level: MXTGM.040.086 or later * MX43x * Required firmware level: MXTCT.081.017 or later * MX53x, MX63x * Required firmware level: MXTSN.221.025 or later * MX62x * Required firmware level: MXTGM.040.086 or later * MX72x * Required firmware level: MXTGW.051.050 or later * MX82x * Required firmware level: MXTGW.051.050 or later * MX93x * Required firmware level: MXTPM.081.006 or later b. Memory: The printer must have a minimum of 256MB of RAM. c. Card reader and driver: This application requires a card reader and an appropriate driver for card login. To obtain these items, go to www.lexmark.com, and then click "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page. 4. LIMITATIONS AND COMPATIBILITY OF THE RELEASE a. The card reader and driver are sold separately. To purchase the card reader, go to www.lexmark.com, and then click "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page. b. Users must register with a badge through a card reader or have valid login credentials to use a printer. If a different card reader model is used, then it may not recognize the badge. Either use the same card reader model, or register the card again when prompted. c. Logging in to a printer using Cloud Authentication is not necessary to perform host-based printing. d. Login Screen Text is limited to 256 characters. Text that is more than 256 characters does not appear properly on the screen. e. When Compatibility View in Internet Explorer is enabled, the configuration page for the application may not appear properly. For best results, disable Compatibility View. f. If public permissions of copy and fax functions are changed, then you must save the configuration page for the application again. This action applies only if the Allow Copy Without Login or the Allow Fax Without Login setting is enabled before changing the permissions of those functions. g. Supported web browsers: * Google Chromeâ„¢ version 43.x or later * Mozilla Firefox version 38.x or later * Internet Explorer version 11.x or later h. Cloud Authentication is set as the default login in Security settings. i. If Cloud Authentication is set as a Pluggable Auth Module (PAM), then it must not coexist with Card Authentication or any other authenticator app. j. When installing Cloud Authentication application, disable Display Customization. k. To access the Embedded Web Server, use your host name with the domain. l. When the network is disconnected, the IP address on the lock screen does not update automatically. m. During card registration, tap the login icon to show the login screen. n. Cloud Authentication remains accessible in Security Settings, despite its unregistered status as Pluggable Auth Module (PAM). o. Users utilizing Cloud Authentication as Non-Pluggable Auth Module (NONPAM) without additional authenticators may encounter the following issues: * Cloud Authentication is unable to terminate sessions via logout in the absence of another set PAM. * Lexmark Cloud Services Apps such as LTX are unable to log in a different user until the session times out. p. The idle screen of the alternate authenticator does not appear if Cloud Authentication is installed first. q. Navigation or focus on "Register via email" is unavailable. r. Immediately tapping the same card after successful card registration does not log out the user. s. The Keyboard Badge Event may trigger twice intermittently when both Cloud Authentication and Card Authentication are installed. t. On Cloud Fleet Deployment, clearing the "Enable pluggable authentication module" option also disables the idle screen in the current generation of devices. u. Lexmark Cloud Services Apps cannot clear the session when there is no available main authentication module. v. Card swipe only limited to Keyboard/Omnikey5427ck Reader Driver when Cloud Authentication is set to NONPAM. w. No permissions to launch Lexmark Cloud Services (LCS) apps after Cloud Fleet Deployment when coexisting with other authentication modules. 5. FUNCTIONING AS DESIGNED a. If Cloud Authentication is set to NONPAM, Badge login may not function if Lexmark card reader drivers do not support the printer's card reader device. b. Card Authentication Client Secret and LDAP Login Password have been successfully imported back via VCC Import Configuration. c. If Cloud Authentication is set to NONPAM and there are no LCS apps initiating the Cloud Authentication login process, then users may be unable to log in via Cloud Authentication. d. If Cloud Authentication is set to PAM and Card Authentication is installed on the device with its idle screen enabled (even if stopped), then the idle screen of Cloud Authentication is automatically disabled. e. If Cloud Authentication is redeployed and upgraded while a pcProx or an Elatec card reader device is still attached to the printer, then users may not be able to log in using a badge. You must reinsert he card reader device or restart the printer. 6. RELEASE NOTES * Bug fixes. For more information on installation and configuration instructions, see the Lexmark Cloud Authentication Administrator's Guide at support.lexmark.com. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this guide.